The True Cost of Shaving & Waxing vs. Laser Hair Removal

The True Cost of Shaving & Waxing vs. Laser Hair Removal

The idea of NEVER having to shave or wax again is incredibly attractive to many people. It not only saves a lot of time and daily hassle, it is economically attractive as well. Many people are now turning to laser hair removal instead. So what are the true time and cost savings when you opt for laser hair removal?

Laser Therapy - Everything You Need To Know

Laser Therapy - Everything You Need To Know

Laser therapy for a variety of skin conditions such as acne, pigmentation, rosacea, vascular lesions and more is fast becoming the go-to treatment offering long-lasting and reliable results. Laser therapy is also being used to permanently remove unwanted hair.

So if you are thinking about asking your Skin Technician for laser therapy, read this article first so you get yourself completely clued up.

What's your Brazilian Wax style?

What's your Brazilian Wax style?

For those who weren’t born and raised with Carnival, tiny bikinis and samba dancing, understanding the Brazilian Wax can sometimes feel like trying to find a needle in the Amazon rain-forest. But fear no more! Not only have we put together our essential top tips for (almost) pain-free waxing, here below you can see all the different styles available.