Bem Estar

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Get a skin workout while you sleep!

After a busy day, your skin uses its natural magic to rejuvenate overnight. However, sometimes…actually very often…our skin needs some help (especially the older we get). Many high-quality night creams are specifically designed to enhance this natural process by boosting the skin with moisture and also targeting specific skin concerns like fine lines. The best part is that all of this is happening while you sleep soundly in your bed. So what are the right night creams for you? If fine lines and signs of aging are bothering you then The Ageless Collection from Image Skincare has an amazing Overnight Retinol Masque which is wonderful for reducing wrinkles and improving the appearance of skin imperfections. The hydrating repair crème from The Vital C Collection is perfect boosting your skin with vitamins A, C & E, as well its antioxidant benefits. Ask a Bem Estar expert for more advice on the right night cream for your skin.