Laser Therapy

Skin Pigmentation: EVERYTHING You Need To Know

Skin Pigmentation: EVERYTHING You Need To Know

What is skin ‘pigmentation’ and how do you treat it? There are multiple types of skin pigmentation but in this article, we focus on Pigmentation, Hyper-Pigmentation and Melasma. All 3 skin conditions can be very successfully treated with laser therapy. Here’s how...

Should It Stay Or Should It Go? Living With Vascular Lesions...

Should It Stay Or Should It Go? Living With Vascular Lesions...

Vascular lesions are blood vessels that are visible through the skin. They are often referred to as spider veins, port wine stains, and birthmarks. They can occur on almost any part of the body, but are especially common on the face or legs.

Laser Therapy - Everything You Need To Know

Laser Therapy - Everything You Need To Know

Laser therapy for a variety of skin conditions such as acne, pigmentation, rosacea, vascular lesions and more is fast becoming the go-to treatment offering long-lasting and reliable results. Laser therapy is also being used to permanently remove unwanted hair.

So if you are thinking about asking your Skin Technician for laser therapy, read this article first so you get yourself completely clued up.