Facials: Fight Acne. Rejuvenate your skin. Minimize wrinkles.

Our range of facials at Bem Estar offer a variety of different results depending on what you need. Whether you are fighting acne, wrinkles, blackheads, or you are looking for smoother, more youthful skin with vitality…our facial treatments at Bem Estar can help you.

No matter what treatment you choose; your skin will be clearer, softer and more rejuvenated with closed pores and softened scars. Your skin will be feeling firm and fresh.

Our chemical peels have different types of acids in their combination that penetrate the skin in a number of ways. They are classified into superficial, medium and deep treatments. We focus on using facial peels according to your skin type, skin color, age and the degree of aging/damage to the skin.

The most common peeling treatments that we offer are superficial and medium peels as they are simple and safe for all skin types and do not require any type of anesthesia. In addition, they can be carried out throughout the day and on a walk-in basis.

For those looking for skin rejuvenation and removing acne scars and stretch marks, we offer crystal and diamond skin peeling treatments which exfoliate, removing the settled dirt from the face and offering a brighter and whiter complexion and leaves the skin looking more supple, younger and softer for longer. This is a superficial peeling treatment and it will require you to take a number of treatments for longer lasting effects.

With dehydrated skin, rough feeling skin, freckles, melasma, stretch marks, scars, acne, photoaging and wrinkles etc… our treatments can make a huge difference to your skin and appearance. Medical skin conditions will need determining before treatment.

Once you have received the treatment, it is important that you care for your skin properly. The peeled skin will require proper hydration, our range of products at Bem Estar will make sure that the results of your treatment can be optimized with ongoing care at home.

Tip: Always follow a strict cleansing regime and make sure you use sunscreen constantly to protect your skin against dehydration and sunburn.