UPDATED - Corona Virus Infection Prevention Measures at Bem Estar

RIVM and the national Outbreak Management Team (OMT) have given the green light for skincare clinics to resume treatments, as long as the appropriate safety measures are implemented and followed.

Please find below the new infection prevention measures that we have implemented to ensure both our clients and our staff are as safe as possible.

Making an appointment

  1. Before you make an appointment, please ask yourself ‘Do you suffer from a fever, cough, cold and/or sore throat or does someone who you live in a house with have these symptoms? If the answer it ‘No’ please proceed with booking an appointment.

  2. Clients who make an appointment online will receive a confirmation per email. If we need to cancel or change the booking because of new regulations, we will inform all our clients.

Arriving at the Bem Estar clinic

  1. Clients are requested to arrive at least 5 minutes before their appointment.

  2. Clients are requested to come alone, if this is not possible, please come only with one other person.

  3. Clients who have booked a laser hair removal appointment MUST shave the area BEFORE coming to the clinic. We can no longer shave the area to be treated on-site.

  4. Upon arrival, everyone will be asked to:

    • Disinfect their hands

    • Keep 1.5 meters distance from other clients

    • Wait in the restricted reception area

    • Refrain from using the bathrooms unless it is an emergency

    • Refrain from eating or drinking in the clinic unless it is for medical reasons

Clinic measures for your safety

  1. There will be a maximum of 3 chairs in the reception waiting area, to ensure we guarantee everyone remains 1.5 meters distance.

  2. We ask our clients to (as much as possible) come alone. If someone needs to accompany them, we will ask they wait outside or in their car during the treatment if possible.

  3. Everyone is asked to disinfect their hands upon entering the clinic and after their treatment.

  4. There will be no handshaking and only restricted use of the bathrooms.

  5. Plexiglass is installed at our reception and we only accept contactless payments.

  6. Appointment times have been extended by an extra 15 minutes to ensure that there is time to disinfect each treatment room before and after each treatment.

  7. All our equipment and treatment rooms are disinfected before and after every treatment.

  8. As much distance as possible will be maintained during each treatment.

  9. All staff will wear protective face and eyewear, gloves and any other required infection prevention clothing.

  10. Several times a day, public areas in the clinic like door handles, reception desk, mirrors etc. are disinfected.

  11. We request that no food or drinks are consumed at the clinic unless for medical purposes.

  12. We will open and close according to regulations. For now, the clinic will close at 19.30 in the evenings.